“The NATO summit is a credibility summit, a real test of
Europe’s commitment and will” – Dr Robin NIblett, Director, Chatham House
Robin Niblett told a briefing organised with the FPA at Chatham House that the forthcoming NATO summit in Wales was critical. In confronting Russia over Ukraine, Europe had to be in the lead; NATO ultimately was about protecting the rule of law and a free press, in other words "real democracy" - and President Putin was antithetical to both.
Xenia Wickett, Project Director for the US Programme at Chatham House emphasised the importance of public diplomacy; NATO needed to be much better at fighting the propaganda war. It needed the support of the public, it needed quicker decision making, more effective joint planning and good, bespoke partnerships around the world.
Both speakers agreed there would be no action plan laid out at the Summit for current conflicts in the Middle East. However they predicted a strong final statement about Ukraine, but President Putin needed to be given a way out without being humiliated and potentially, a commitment that Ukraine not join NATO.
More than 60 British and international journalists attended the briefing, chaired by FPA President, Paola Totaro.